It’s not too cold for ice cream!

OK Ill admit…the nip in the air is enough for a sweater but I simply can not resist ice cream no matter WHAT the weather.  Sadly, no candied bacon ice cream, but in a pinch anything chocolatey will do!  I couldn’t be happier though, because I get to wrap myself up in new Millinery Shoppe sweaters.  They make me feel good that its fall.  I wandered around and I love the shopping area here so much I am opening a store location up at the Atooly Mall.  I was going to write a story for this post but I got sidelined by lulz on flickr.  I may write stories for posts but bottom line of my being is a truth teller.  My friends have said to me over and over one of the things they love about me is my brutal honesty, so being accused of making false statements has me laughing hysterically.  That said, if you want to see the hilarity for yourself by all means check out my flickr *here*.


  • sweater & skirt: The Millinery Shoppe, *MS Embroidered Cardi/y white, Tweed skirt tartan orange *NEW RELEASE!
  • shoes: Hucci, Bagani Suede Boots (collabor88)
  • hair: Clawtooth, Hearts on fire (arcade gacha nla)
  • ring: flowey,  Meow Meow Double Ring SECRET RARE (arcade gacha NLA)
  • purse, Azoury, Heima Purse Caramel (l’accessoires)
  • undershirt: *BOOM* Everyday Tank

Commonly used items:

  • Slink hands
  • Deesses skin Alicia (I wear this in almost every post <3)
  • Slink Eyelids

The coffee here is delicious!

I daydream often…and being in a coffee shop surrounded by the smell of fresh coffee is the doorway to all the many worlds i think up in my head.

Ive been in a whirlwind the past few days trying to get done everything on my to do list and ending up getting absolutely NOTHING done but being a bit sick and miserable.  I did end up with a smile on my face when I checked out these new chairs (go pick them up here!) and smiled even wider when I saw all the ice creams at the Atelier Kreslo’s Ice Cream Festival! I love Ohmai! and had to pick up every single one of her creations as you can see the love and the creativity in each one.  I picked up one of the Arcade owner’s Octagons Yazimoto’s creations as well… makes me proud in a way… GO TEAM ARCADE!  I’m very sad to hear that Anya Ohmai wont be creating for Arcade’s 1 yr anniversary but the genius DOES occasionally need to rest, right? Last but not least I picked up the Canadian Maple one, because I live in Canada, eh! ❤ I just also have to mention that I fell flat and well, heres a girl that went without shoes this post cause I was too bloody tired to find a pair that matched right.  Awesome job, Sakide on your Season’s Hunt 3 dress I absolutely adore it, along with all the jewelry I picked up at L’accessoires! Happy anniversary!  Ooo one more thing: the eyes I have on are my new staple, they too are from Season’s Palette Hunt!


Seasons Hunt Info:

Hunt Item:

*Hunt Date: August 20 – September 10
*Hunt Blog:
*Start location:
*Join the SPH Group in-world: secondlife:///app/group/cdc1bbb1-ebfd-f59b-f6e5-73e95300b165/about


Walk this way

It seemed like such an unlikely place to meet a girl like this…but here I was mistaken, yet again, in my wanderings.  I should have been more careful, she was like a deadly piranha, and I didn’t see what was coming until it was too late.  Perhaps if I had paid more attention and been more wary as she didn’t look like she fit in in her surroundings at all, but she was just too tempting! I know now that different offworlders like to pick places such as these because visitors usually come here to see a simpler time and have their guards down.  I woke up missing all my valuables, and even my land cruiser had been stolen.  Femmes like these, though…almost make you enjoy being robbed….and those eyes! She was something, alright.
